Wolo Code

by Ujjwal Singh

Maps & Navigation


Wolo Code - is the simplest precise addressing system that requires only 3 simple words to get to any exact location within a city.E.g. the exact address of the main gate of your current building could be like: cat apple mango /There are two parts to it:1. Finding a Wolo Code for an address, and:2. Using a Wolo Code to get back - that addressEach word of a Wolo Code is from a list of only 1024 simple and easy words.This makes it easy to remember and to tell others.Using the label icon you can also generate a sticker with the Wolo Code for a locations address for easy access.Sign-in to access the address book where you can store your addresses to access later.For more information see: wolo.codes/aboutSee: wcodes.org for more information on the underlying technology